Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Welcome to Beardown

So  I may have gotten a little ahead of myself with my first post.  Sorry about that.  What I should have done was to begin with is this.  First off let me say that I am, like you a Bears Fan.  I am not a member of the media and have no more insight then any of you.  I wanted to start this as kind of a sounding board for things I see and some of the things that bother me mostly with the media and the way they represent our beloved.  While I freely admit that I am no expert from what I can gather I am no worse then about 90% of the media that gives us our information.  I do know football though and a lot of the B.S. that comes out of the media is not for the most part relevant to the game (I will speak to this more in a later post.) Now what my vision is for this blog is to have Bear fans like yourselves have a place where they can come and maybe see between the lines of what the media is saying.  I like to think that my understanding of the game can help decipher what they are saying and tell if there is any credence to it.  Now let me be clear I am not going to take specific articles and pick them apart.  What I intend to do is more report on what I see and perhaps what the medias overall perception is.  As you can tell with my first post I was speaking about the offensive line and what direction the Bears may take.  Also I would like to hear from you so please leave comments on what you think of what I say good and bad.  I would also invite you to email me your thoughts and I can post some on here (as long as they are in good taste) the email is  You can also send any questions you may have to me and I will answer them on here as I get them.  Depending on you, if this is successful I may have the chance to speak to some of the players and get their view as well.  I thank you for reading and your support and I hope to continue this well into February.

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