Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving from Bear Down!

While we all cozy up to the dinner table and watch three games not involving the Bears, it is a good time to take stock of what we are thankful for.  So at the chance of sounding corny here I go....

First and foremost I am thankful for my terrific, beautiful, and amazing wife.  Without you I would be living in a one bedroom apartment smelling clothes that lay about the floor to test what is cleanest to wear on Thanksgiving.  So thank you my Love, without you I would be lost.

Second, a distant second, is The BEARS!!!!  Now I know my wife is going to yell at me, but lets just say after her my thanks come in no particular order!  Along these lines I am thankful Jay Cutler's surgery went well and hope he will be back VERY soon, and as long as I am being thankful for all things Bears lets not forget how very thankful I am that neck beard was taken by someone else!

My Family.  To Pops, I would not be the man I am today if not for you. A fact I am sure my wife would like to punch you for.  Ma no matter how crazy you can be sometimes, you taught me how to be a good person to everyone no matter what, and for that I thank you.  Gus, what can I say about Gus?  We love Gus! Brudder you are the best! I could not ask for a better more giving brother, you smell like family.

My in-laws, I have never met two people as kind and selfless as you.  You both always think of others ahead of yourselves, Thank you.

My Best friend and his awesome family.  I can't tell you how lucky I feel that not only have you been my best friend since the 4th grade, but how our wives seem to like each other more then they like us.  And as for your kids, I don't think I will be able to love my own any more then I do yours, so thank you.

Now that all that is out of the way, I hope that you and yours have a safe and very happy Thanksgiving.  Bear Down!!!  Feel free to let me know what you are thankful for, or to tell me I am a douche either way!

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